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Various problems arise and sunk in traditional boarding school, as if those
adapted space and time. Study object of boarding school is always exciting to be
revealed, because it always lives to grow and to metamorphose with the spirit of
the time. The focus of this study is boarding school traditionalism, especially in
the practice of traditional boarding school life among the current change. This
study aims to unravel the current traditionalism landscape of boarding school
education, as well as answer the various problems highlighting traditional
boarding school cubicles. Students’ receiving systems, learning systems, and
management systems that are "completely traditional” to be the identity of
traditional boarding school itself (salafiyah). There are four alternative solutions
in order that the boarding school traditionalism even survives in the global era,
namely to: 1) focus on specific skills, 2) develop entrepreneur; 3) graft schooling
institution; 4) institutionalize its boarding school.

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How to Cite
Mukodi, M. (2013). Tradisionalisme Pesantren di Tengah Arus Perubahan. Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan, 5(1). Retrieved from