Main Article Content
This study aims to describe about some of the following: (1) the material of character education
based Islam in social studies learning, (2) the pattern of implementation of character education in the
SMP-1 Kedung Banteng, (3) unification of the Islamic faith-based character education in social studies
learning and (4) the effect of the implementation of character education based Islamic in social studies
learning. Methods of data collection was done by using interviews, documentation, and interviews.
Methods of data analysis done with descriptive qualitative approach. Withdrawal of a conclusion based
on the results of the analysis and discussion with respect to the themes underlying problems or things that
are more substantive. Based on the discussion of the results obtained some conclusions as follows: (1)
teaching materials relevant to the Islamic-based character education, and need to be taught to students,
at least include a few subjects, namely: (a) the nature of man as a creature of God, (b ) devotion and
respect for parents, (c) respect for others, (d) behave in manners, (e) helping each other with each other,
(f) exemplary, (g) of academic honesty and non-academic, (h) responsibility, (i) justice, (j) spirit of
patriotism, leadership, integrity of the Unitary Republic of Indonesia, and the Pancasila, and (k) the
character of a religious nation, (2) the pattern of the implementation of character education in schools be
integrated between intracurricular and extracurricular activities. And the role of principal is very
important, (3) of Unification-based implementation of character education based of Islamic religion in
the teaching of Social Science in school SMPN-1 Kedung Banteng showed that all respondents
(principals, teachers, staff, and administrators OSIS) states have a positive and highly important, and
need to be incorporated into the curriculum, and (4) Implementation Character Education based Islamic
religion in the learning process in the IPS to the character students of SMP-1 Kedung Banteng has a
positive and significant influence.