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This research aims to know the difference of influlence in learning models, creativity, and
its interaction toward student’s learning achievement on the subject matter: equations of
a straight line. This research is a quasi experimental research with factorial design of
3x3. The population is eight grade students of Junior high School in Madiun. The samples
are taken using stratified cluster random technic. Sample of the research is 283 students.
The collecting data instruments is a questionnaire on creativity and learning mathematics
achievement test. The trial test of instrument of the questionnaire includes the content
validity, the internal consistency, and realibility. The trial test on the achievement of
learning on mathematics includes the content validity, the difficulty level, the
discrimination power, and realibility coefficient. The Data analysis technique used
consists of: balance, precondition analysis (Normality and Homogenity). Hypothesis
analysis test uses two-ways variant analysis with different cells.
The results of the research are: (1) The students who are learning with
cooperative model of STAD have better achievement than the students who are given
conventional learning, and the students who are given cooperative model of STAD have
the same achievement with the students who are given cooperative model of TPS; (2) The
students with high creativity have better achievement than the students who have lower
creativity (middle and low), the students with middle creativity have the same
achievement with the students who have low creativity, (3) On students with high
creativity, implementation learning models of STAD, TPS, and conventional give the
same effect; On students with middle creativity, implementation of cooperative learning
with STAD model gives the same effect as good as the TPS model, implementation of
cooperative learning with STAD models provides a better effect than conventional
learning, and implementation of cooperative learning with TPS model gives a better
effect than conventional learning; On students with low creativity, implementation of
cooperative learning with STAD and TPS models give the same effect, implementation of
cooperative learning with STAD model and conventional learning also provide the same
effect, and implementation of cooperative learning with TPS model gives a better effect
than conventional learning.

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How to Cite
Suprapto , E., Sujadi, I., & Roswitha, M. (2012). Eksperimentasi Pembelajaran Matematika Menggunakan Model Kooperatif Tipe Student Teams Achievement Divisions (Stad) dan Think-Pair-Share (Tps) pada Materi Pokok Persamaan Garis Lurus Ditinjau dari Kreativitas Siswa. Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan, 4(1). Retrieved from