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In the history of Moslem education, the history of Islamic Schools development will always be
atractive to be analized critically. The study is being urgent because it is expected that the
Islamic schools will have some roles in the Moslem education development objectively and
comprehensively. It is regarded as the important one because in every phase of Islamic schools’
development is always found some efforts to be better, the innovation, and other improvements.
Islamic school is one of the Islamic isntitutions of education in Indonesia. The islamic school
has long cronology on its development. Since it is formed until now, there are some
improvements which are trasforming the Islamic education institutions to be qualified which are
supported by the Moslem reformers. The lack of the awareness of the Moslem education
importance in Indonesia in the beginning of Islamic schools’ development is felt by the Moslem
doers of education. That is why, the Islamic schools should be forceful.