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The research is the framing analysis of candidate nomination news on local online news portals in the 2020 Pacitan pilkada. The purpose of the research is to see how the news of candidate nominations is made on local online  portals, namely and www. in the 2020 Pacitan pilkada. Critical research with Entman framing analysis with issue selection and emphasis and prominence in the news text. The results of the study are as follows.. First, polite politicians with prominence; Gagarin is a polite cadre and Sudijono is a polite politician. Second, the people's cadres, with the highlighting of Gagarin, the people's cadres. Third, successful entrepreneurs with Winarni as a successful entrepreneur. Fourth, the great teacher with the prominence of Sudijono the teacher. Fifth, the development of the agricultural and tourism sectors; with Roni Wahyono's prominence, he plans expert development and agro-tourism development.


framing, candidates, imaging,  online news portal framing, kandidat cabup-cawabup, pencitraan, portal berita online

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How to Cite
Hendriyanto, A., Purwasito, A., Rais, W. A., & Hastjaryo, S. (2022). Pentingnya Pendidikan Politik Elektoral: Framing Pemberitaan Media Online Lokal di Pilkada Pacitan 2020. Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan, 14(2), 66–80.


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