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Abstract: this research introduced a new teaching strategy that is Children
Learning in Science (CLIS) in learning English as foreign language, especially in
the students’ writing. CLIS provides logical subject of theory, facts, problem
solving, and application by doing an experiment. By learning through science,
students can explore their scientific skill in finding the answer of a realistic
problem happened. This research is in the form of Classroom Action Research
(CAR) that had been conducted into two cycles. The analysis copes with the
teacher and students’ activities in the process of teaching learning and the
students’ respond. The research method used is descriptive with research design
of qualitative. The population of the research is the tenth grade students of MAN 2
Madiun which has 192 students in all. The result of research shows an increasing
result on the teacher and students’ activities as well as students’ affective and
cognitive score that supported with students’ responses toward CLIS.