Main Article Content
This article is about a study explaining: 1) The elements of the children
poentry that could be use as the media for disaster’s mitigation; 2) compability
and the accuracy of the child’s poentry for its prospective reader based on the
cognitive development stage of the children; and formulated utilization planning
of the children poentry to the disaster mitigation in Indonesian and literature
learning. The children poentry studied are fiveten take in Bobo children magazine.
The children poentry was taken through the purposive technique sampling. The
data was analyzing by content analysis. The validity of the data was tested
through the semantics validity and the reliability was tested by reading the text
repeatedly. The results of studied showed that: 1) The element that had the
potential to use as the planning media for the mitigation of disaster were the
theme, message, and sound; 2) Based on the use of the point of view, the writing
technique (the language) and the explanation of the problem, the poentry exact to
be give to children age 8-12 years; and 3) the disaster mitigation efforts could be
carried out by understanding the contents of the text, gave the response to the
problem of the disaster and the control as well as its prevention, or wrote the
phenomenon of the natural or social disaster.