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Period of Abbasiyah was golden age in Islam. At that time, Moslem has an elevated intellectual tradition. This tradition can be seen from the existence of personal  and public libraries, the conducive atmosphere for discussion, high motivation in studying,  and need for achievement. The intellectual tradition is not only in Islamic studies, but also in social sciences, natural sciences and humanities.

Bayt al-Hikmah was library that was build by the khalifah Abbasiyah which has a multifunction. It was not merely for reading, but it also functions as publication, translation, observatory, and for discussion. The Bayt al-Hikmah played an significant role in creating intellectual atmosphere. These brought Abbasiyah into golden age.

This article analyses intellectual tradition in Abbasiyah. The objective of the analyses awakens our awareness of intellectual tradition, because it will lead our nation into a better future.  Creating such condition requires the involvement of each component of this nation.

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How to Cite
M. Mukhlis Fahruddin. (2022). Tradisi Intektual Daulah Abbasiyah: Studi Sejarah Keislaman. Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan, 2(1), 311–322. Retrieved from