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The dominant concern of this year was the running concept of gender. Understanding a
person's gender is strongly influenced by the perception of gender. The higher the value
perception of gender, the more likely the persons were to understand it. Therefore, it was
important to measure the student perceptions of gender because the lower the gender
perceptions of students, the lower students understanding of gender would be. If that
happened, it could be potentially causing violence danger and gender stigma done by
the students. This research was conducted on 532 students in Malang by distributing
questionnaires of student gender perceptions. The questionnaire was the result of the
gender perception indicator development covering education, marriage and employment.
The results showed that the average score of the respondents' perceptions of gender
was 8.31. This value indicated that the number was quite low because it should be the
maximum number, that was 13. This indicated that the average score of students’ gender
perceptions was about 63.92%.

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How to Cite
Zunaida, D. . (2016). Rendahnya Persepsi Gender Mahasiswa di Malang. Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan, 8(2), 1272–1278. Retrieved from