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The significant aspect of the volleyball competition is to be accurate in a service. Surely,
this was affected by some factors including a motoric ability. Therefore, this research
was carried out to reveal the influence of direct learning approach compared to indirect
learning approach viewed from the motoric ability. The experimental method within 2X2
factorial design was the most practical way for this issue. Then, the population were
students of SMAN Negeri 2 Pacitan Ngadirojo Academic Year 2015/2016 who consisted
of 60 students. Furthermore, the sampling technique used was the purposive random
sampling. The predetermined samples were 20 students who have the high motoric
ability and 20 students who have the low motoric ability. The variables in the research
were independent variables consisting of two factors: the manipulative variable and
attributive variables and the dependent variable. The research results showed that: (1)
there was a significant difference between those taught using direct learning approach
and those taught using indirect learning approach toward servicing on the volleyball.
Direct learning approach was better than the indirect approach to learning; (2) there
was the significant difference between those who have the high motoric ability and those
who have the low motoric ability in volleyball servicing result. The students who have a
high motoric ability got better learning results than those having the low motoric ability;
(3) there was the significant interaction effect between learning approach and motoric
ability towards learning the result of overhand volleyball service. (a) For those having a
high motoric ability were appropriate to use the direct learning approach otherwise (b)
for those having low motoric ability were more appropriate to use the indirect learning

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How to Cite
Putra, B. M. . (2016). Hasil Belajar Keterampilan Servis Atas pada Permainan Bolavoli Ditinjau dari Perspektif Pembelajaran. Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan, 8(2), 1266–1271. Retrieved from