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This research provided the account of describing the kinds of deixis time found in the
puppet show purwa gagrag Banyumasan: Bawor dadi Ratu by puppeteer Ki Sugino
Siswacarita. The source of the research data was the VCD recording of a puppet show
purwa gagrag Banyumas: Bawor dadi Ratu by puppeteer Ki Sugino Siswacarita. The
focus of the research was the kinds of time deixis found in the puppet show. Then, the
data collection techniques were by listening, tapping, and noting. The analysis of the
data was classifying and analysing the data based on the kinds of time deixis. To get the
trustworthiness of the data, the triangulation of source was fulfilled. The dependability
of the data was obtained through repeatedly rotating and listening to the utterances
in a puppet show. The findings revealed that the found time deixis was in the form of
words (monomorphemic and polymorphemic) and phrases (attributive and appositive
endocentric, as well as exocentric). Finally, the time deixis found in a puppet show purwa
gagrag Banyumasan: Bawor dadi Ratu by puppeteer Ki Sugino Siswacarita, were (1) the
past time deixis, (2) the present time deixis, and (3) the future time deixis.