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This qualitative research was carried out in the classroom VII F of SMPN 1 Kebonagung
Pacitan, on JLS Street Kebonagung Pacitan. The research was carried out at the first
semester of the academic year of 2012/2013. Further, the techniques used to collect
the data were: (1) observation; (2) in-dept interview; (3) recording documents; (4)
and then the data were documented. The data analysis was through seven steps those
were: (1) observation; (2) textualisation; (3) multicolumn text; (4) segmentization; (5)
thematization; (6) proposisionalization; (7) and reduction. The units of main data were
analyzed by researcher through five steps which consisted of: being analyzed, being
interpreted, being summarized, being concluded, and being recommended. Based on the
result on the observation in the activity of the teaching and learning speaking skill, it
was obtained 112 statements of data identities. In relation with the topic, some of the
statements of data identities were relevant but some others were not, the irrelevant data
were not discussed in this chapter (they were reduced), while the relevant data became
units of main data analyzed based on the underlying theories and the result of interviews,
as well as the related documents. The results and discussions include: (1) aspects of
learning done by the teachers including: methods were more atractive teacher-centered
and students-centered, teaching and giving instruction, teachers stood in front, the
material presented was appropiate to the topic; (2) aspect of the students, among others
were enthusiastic but tended to be crowded.