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One of the most important keys of the university advancement in Indonesia is the
competitive grant research scheme. As one of that mentioned research scheme, this
research had been the second year to accomplish. The purpose of this Research
and Development (R&D) was to enhance the competence of students using the
module of scientific language philosophy. This research was carried out from 2016
on Indonesian Literature and Language Education Study program in STKIP PGRI
Indonesia Pacitan up to 2017. The research consisted of 12 meetings within 4 trials
using the single one-shot case study experimental method. This method aimed
at revealing the effect of the local wisdom-based scientific language philosophy
modules toward language competence. The research findings showed that the
result of the first test compared to the second test was t12 = 2.77 ≤ t

table 2,021 within
the degrees of freedom 38 which meant that the language competence had been
increased. Furthermore, the second test compared to the third test was t23 =2.88
≤ t
table 2,021 within the degrees of freedom 38. Finally, the third test compared
to the fourth test result was t34 = 2.79 ≤ t

table 2,021. Based on t test results, it can
be inferred that the module of scientific language philosophy based on the local
wisdom is effective to increase the language competence.

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How to Cite
Hendriyanto, A., & suryanto, sugeng. (2016). Pembelajaran Berbasis Modul Filsafat Bahasa di STKIP PGRI Pacitan. Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan, 8(2), 1251–1259. Retrieved from