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The main target of the obligatory rural social internships for university students’
program (KKN-PPM) is to increase the gross enrollment rate (APK) of secondary
and higher education in Gondang village society, which can directly improve the
Human Development Index (HDI). In addition, KKN-PPM is projected to create
society self-reliance, by optimizing the local potency of the village. KKN program for
society empowerment is an option to raise the potency and overcome all the existing
problems in the Gondang village as well as strengthen the global commitment of the
year 2000, on the establishment of aims and targets of the Millennium Development
Ages or Millenneum Development Goals (MDGs). This community empowerment is
established, guided and developed as a social institution in the form of friendship forums,
advocacy, communication, education and, activity medium to strengthen integrated
family functions that is established and carried out from, by and for their families and
communities. Thus, the principle of transfering science and technology can be fulfilled.
Because there is a flow of solution from the campus intellectuals, and as a consequence,
three is a challenge flow from the society. Having KKN, for community service of civitas
academicians STKIP PGRI Pacitan, forms a response to the dynamic society that is
always closely correlated with the developing issues, needs and faced challenges.