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This research is constituted by the application of teaching early reading literacy
impplemented in some schools across ex-residency Madiun. The teaching should
implement character based teaching as an introduction into the ability of early reading
literacy. That is carried out for various reasons, for example, the demands of the students’
parent, the demands of the furhter school level, commercial reasons, and so forth. This
study implemented a combination of research methods. Initiated into content validity
analysis or analysis of existing learning contents based on theory of study the effectiveness
of learning, then combined with observations and school interviews and literature study,
narrowing the findings to lead the new concept for early reading literacy learning. 40
Schools being randomly selected were used in this research in the ex-residency Madiun.
These research findings illustrated the true condition about the application of early reading
literacy learning in the field. Referring to the findings of questionnaires and interviews,
the teaching of early reading literacy was delivered in additional learning program.
This made it possible to avoid infringement of the government rules about unpermitted
learning at that level. Besides, those were found the lack of some language components
that allows the imperfectness of introduction and readiness of children to acquaint the
language. Furthermore, it lacked involvement of children playing environment both at
home and at school for learning outcome optimality. Finally those findings were used as
a reference to create an integrated learning tools in the children’s playground in the form
of teachers and parents’ guide.

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How to Cite
Chasanatun, F. ., sunardi, sunardi, Nurkamto, J., & Asrowi, A. (2015). Analisa Kebutuhan pada Pembelajaran Membaca Permulaan di Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini. Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan, 7(1), 1080–1086. Retrieved from