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This research of speech level variaties in the Javanese language of Pacitan regency,
in the multilingual context based on sociolinguistic study aims at; (1) identifying and
making inventory of Javanese languge speech levels in Pacitan regency, (2) identifying
the characteristics of the Javanese language speech level in Pacitan, (3) identifying
and describing the Javanese speech level in Pacitan regency pertaining to the level of
the respect perceived by speaker toward hearer. This research is a kind of descriptive
qualitative, especially investigating a case study of the variaties of Javanese language
speech level use, in Pacitan regency. The method of this research is: (1) a method of
providing data, with a few techniques. Those are listening, speaking, cooperating with
informants and questionnaires; (2) the method of the data analysis is managed by
using four chronological groove, namely 1) domain analysis, 2) taxonomy analysis, 3)
componential analysis, and 4) cultural values analysis. Based on the research findings,
the Javanese speech level in Pacitan regency is not much different from the Javanese
language used in Solo-Yogyakarta that is claimed to be the center of the Javanese
language. It can not be denied because Pacitan is closer to Solo and Yogyakarta in a
distance rather than Surabaya although Pacitan regency includes East Java Province.
Based on the research, Pacitan society tends to use BJK when interacting with stranger,
officer, father/mother, grandfather/grandmother, uncle/aunt, both in formal and informal
situations. Ngoko Javanese language (BJN) or low level of Javanese language will
be used to interact with friends, children, underlings and servants both in formal and
informal situations. The tendency does not mean that all informants speak like that. It
is proved from the availability of the informant who says that they use BJK in formal
situations to underlings on behalf of giving appreciation for learning, especially to the
children how they should speak in formal situations.

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How to Cite
Pamungkas, S. (2014). Variasi, Keunikan, dan Penggunaan Tingkat Tutur Bahasa Jawa di Kabupaten Pacitan (Tinjauan Sosiolinguistik). Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan, 6(1), 952–958. Retrieved from