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The purpose of this study is to analyze the causes of adolescent students who loses her
virginity and do free sex, to analyze supporting factors that make adolescents and students
easily do free sex, a risk that must be faced by teenagers and students after losing virginity
and free sex, to develop a model of prevention and reduction of free sex culture among
students. The research shows that the factors that causes loss of virginity in adolescents are:
unhealthy courtship factors, influenced values among teenagers, influenced values in the
neighborhood. The factors that cause teenagers to have free sex are easy: loss of virginity,
condom as avoidance beliefs on sexual risk-free, the availability of cheap hotel serves free
sex activity. Risks faced by adolescents after losing virginity include: the risk burden to keep
a secret that they was not a virgin, the risk of addiction to repeat the free sex, the risk of
pregnancy so they will be dropped out from school, reproductive health risks. While the
model is a model of free sex prevention outreach to parents, schools, government and society
that sex is a new emerging values established among teenagers.