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It is a kind of library research which aims at revealing: (1) the definitions of error analysis;
(2) the sources of error; (3) error taxonomy and linguistic category; (4) relevant research of
error analysis. The strategy of this research is modified from George (2008: 66) through the
following phases: (1) motivation or assignment; (2) topic selection; (3) research questions
(brainstorming); (4) research plan (strategy); (5) reference works & databases (tools &
tactics); (6) sources; (7) evaluation; (8) drafting & revising. Error is one of the lerners’
interlanguage prosess where the learners make unnecessary items to be included or even
ommit the necessary items. Those issues are virtually unique to note and being ongoing
research that has never ended. This research is carried out to have more affinity for the
students’ error so then the teachers can be responsive in giving his or her policy in Eglish
teaching strategy priority. Based on the relevant research findings, the frequent errors made
by the students are in using participles and past costumes (the highest error is past simple) it
may be caused of the frequent usage of the basic grammar used by the students. It implies
that drilling on the frequent error is a must and becomes priority to focuse.