Plagiarism is the unauthorized use or close imitation of another author's language and ideas and presenting them as one's original work. Authors may not use other people's words, numbers, or ideas without attribution. It is considered dishonest or fraudulent in academic circles, and violators face intellectual condemnation. All sources must be cited, and word reuse must be limited, linked, or referred to in the text.
Plagiarism can be intentional or unintentional and includes the reproduction of academic material without attribution to the original author. Similarly, self-plagiarism is the reuse of significant, identical, or nearly identical portions of one's work without attribution to the original work. This is also known as a recycling scam. The worst form of plagiarism is stealing an entire article from some journal and publishing it in another journal under your name. The JEEYAL editorial team lists all authors who are guilty of plagiarism. The names of authors guilty of plagiarism were also forwarded to editors of other management and business journals. At JEEYAL, we use the Turnitin plagiarism checker to identify submissions that overlap with published and submitted manuscripts. We check all submitted articles for plagiarism before publication. If an editor or peer reviewer discovers plagiarism at any stage of the publication process, the plagiarism may be rejected based on the plagiarism percentage. JEEYAL tolerates a plagiarism score of up to 20%. We encourage the authors to use the Plagiarism Checker software to check for plagiarism before submission, even if it is unreliable.